What are Benign Growths?

Benign growths can be flat or raised lesions that pose no threat to your health medically. They can often be removed for cosmetic reasons.

What Are The Causes of Benign Growths?

  • Oftentimes, there is a genetic predisposition that can cause certain benign growths such as cherry angiomas or seborrheic keratoses. Other benign growths such as skin tags can occur from friction especially under the armpits, around the neckline, and by the sides of the body.
  • Environmental Factors: Certain environmental factors, such as exposure to carcinogens or toxins, may contribute to the development of benign growths.
  • Age: The risk of developing benign growths increases with age, as cellular changes and genetic mutations accumulate over time.
  • Unknown Factors: In many cases, the exact cause of benign tumors remains unknown. While certain risk factors may increase the likelihood of their development, benign growths can also occur sporadically without any identifiable cause.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms of Benign Growths?

New growths appear over time. Some may first be itchy or irritated but then may become asymptomatic. Often, new growths will occur without any signs or symptoms, but may simply one day be noticed by the patient.

What Are The Risk Factors of Benign Growths?

Once symptomatic, it’s important to check what could be a benign growth with a practitioner to make sure there is no cause for concern. Often, benign growths will remain benign, however, pay attention to symptoms such as change in size, shape, color, texture or random bleeding.

How are Benign Growths Diagnosed?

Through clinical evaluations with a practitioner who often possesses special equipment such as dermatoscopes or ultrasound machines.

What Are Possible Treatments For Benign Growths?

There are often cosmetic treatments for benign growths such as liquid nitrogen, lasers, electrodessication, or cosmetic removals depending on the growth and location.

Are There Preventative Steps or Measures To Avoid Benign Growths?

Proper sunscreen can prevent sun damage spots.

What Are The Risks If Benign Growths Are Left Untreated?

If benign growths become symptomatic and are left untreated, they could pose the risk of turning into cancers or causing further discomfort to the patient. Often treatment is more for cosmetic purposes.

Are There Other Related Conditions To Benign Growths?

There can be genetic or immunity-based conditions related to certain types of benign growth. It’s important to give your practitioner your full family and medial history for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Key Takeaways About Benign Growths (Top 3-5 points to remember from everything)

  1. Benign growths can be flat or raised lesions that pose no threat to your health medically. They can often be removed for cosmetic reasons.
  2. There are often cosmetic treatments for benign growths such as liquid nitrogen, lasers, electrodessication, or cosmetic removals depending on the growth and location.
  3. Once symptomatic, it’s important to check what could be a benign growth with a practitioner to make sure there is no cause for concern. Often, benign growths will remain benign, however, pay attention to symptoms such as changes in size, shape, color, texture, or random bleeding.

Recommended Next Steps

Schedule an appointment for evaluation with a practitioner to determine if the growth is benign and discuss treatment options if desired

Meet Upper West Side Derm

Dr. Lisa Travis is a board-certified dermatologist with a decade of experience making New Yorkers look and feel better in their own skin. Dr. Travis was selected in 2013-2014 and 2018-2021 for the New York Times Magazine’s list of New York “Super Doctors”, which is... Learn More »